Print, Un Marechal (blacksmith)

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  • Artist/Maker: Martin Engelbrecht
  • Germany
  • ca. 1720
  • Hand colored black and white line engraving on laid paper
  • 1955-150,18A

Un Marechal is the shoe-smith (blacksmith). He carries the tools of bis trade on his person as follows: 1. (on head) Un plumet (plume of feathers); 2. (on head) queues de cheval (horse tails); 3. (on chest over shoulders) fers a chevaux (horse shoes); 4. (on shoulders) hache (axe); 5. (on shoulders) cognee (hachet); 6. (over shoulders) faux (scythe); 7. (over shoulders) barre de fer (iron bars); 8. (at waist) Etrille (curry-comb); 9. (at waist) un unissor (a joiner); 10. (at waist) tenailles (pliers); 11. (at waist) limes (files); 12. (at waist) taon (cleg); 13. (at waist) marteau (hammer); 14. (around waist) tablier (apron); 15. (to rear of figure) un chevel dans l'encloure (horse enclosure).

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